I’ve decided to start writing my blogs again. So today I managed to get on to my website with the help of a very patient friend (I’m not very techy) and when I looked at my last blog (which was a draft from 2019!) it had this heading and I thought ooh how weird that’s...
Author: Frillies
The Boring Bra
I really do like my Lingerie Reps. They gave me some fantastic advice before I opened Frillies and have continued to give me their continued support for the past 12 months. I’ve been very lucky. You can imagine that when I opened, I wanted a boutique full of ‘pretty’ bras from top to bottom. Different...
It’s almost a year …..
I can’t believe that Frillies is fast approaching its 12 month anniversary! Where has the time gone? This time last year, I was painting the walls, putting up wallpaper, choosing the flooring,hoping I’d chosen the right stock and wondering what people would think of the boutique. Looking back do you know what the best thing has...
Loving Lingerie Life
Frillies is just over six months old and I cannot believe how the time has flown! It’s unbelievable. But what a journey it’s been – there’s been definite highs and definite lows. It’s been a huge learning curve – emotionally, physically, mentally, financially – and yet quite frankly I love it. I didn’t know what...
Panty Parties
Ladies I would like to introduce you to our Panty Parties. A girlie night. Invite 4+ friends along to the boutique after we’ve closed. There’ll be bubbly. Free fittings and 10% off everything on the night. To book just email shop@frilliesboutique.co.uk or telephone 01226 496781.
Being the Knicker Lady
Frillies has been open for six weeks now and it has definitely had its ups and downs. More ups than downs which is good but it has been an amazing learning curve and experience to date. I’ve met some lovely customers who have come in, unsure of what to expect, had a fitting and then...
We’re Open
After months of planning and thinking about my boutique, I finally opened the door to customers on Friday 14th October and it has been absolutely lovely to meet my new customers. To say last week was absolutely manic is an understatement. I don’t think I had more than four hours sleep a night and I...
Not Long Now
Opening Frillies has been the most enormous learning curve and a real emotional roller coaster. I didn’t anticipate quite how it would totally take over my life and my brain and all of my energy! Talk about focusing. For the past six months I have helped rip plaster off walls and pull down ceilings. I’ve...
Coming together
I always think it’s best to ask the question. If you don’t ask the question, you will never know. And so I asked to look inside the shop that had been standing unused for a few years. It had been used as a launderette but a decision had been made to divide the space in...
Frills and Spills
Frillies all came about after a discussion with a good friend about tights. I know – tights of all things – and how difficult it is to find good pairs of tights. Yes we don’t have a shoe shop and yet did I really want to sell shoes?. Yes I like to wear them but...