I can’t believe that Frillies is fast approaching its 12 month anniversary! Where has the time gone? This time last year, I was painting the walls, putting up wallpaper, choosing the flooring,hoping I’d chosen the right stock and wondering what people would think of the boutique.
Looking back do you know what the best thing has been about the past year? It’s an easy answer for me. It’s my customers. My Frillettes. Honestly, it has just been frilliant to meet all you lovely ladies (and a few men) who have come in to the boutique. There have been those Frillettes who have never been in to a lingerie boutique before and there are those who have been in to many. There have been those young Frillettes who have come for their first teen bra fitting and there are those mature Frillettes who have also never had one. Honestly it’s been absolutely fantastic to meet you all and even more fantastic when you tell me how happy you are with your purchases, how the correctly fitted bra has made you feel so much better about yourself and how it has boosted your confidence. And to be honest, that’s what it’s all about. Once you’ve found your perfect fit, you feel fabulous you. You stand better, your posture improves, your clothes look better and more importantly, you just feel better.
Some of you have sent me photographs of you in your swimwear on holiday, loving the confidence that properly supportive and well fitted swimwear has given you. One of my favourite photographs has been on one Frillette’s bras blowing in the breeze on her washing line. It’s been lovely meeting you all and getting to know you all.
I used to do massage and reflexology and I thoroughly enjoyed that part of my life. I didn’t think that I would ever be able to achieve that self satisfaction in anything else that I did. However, do you know what? Frillies surpasses that. It really does. It’s wonderful to experience Frillettes coming in to the boutique, unsure of what you want, not happy with your current bra and to see your faces when you look at yourselves in the correctly fitted lingerie.
So thank you Frillettes!! It’s been wonderful. To celebrate, I’ve got an exciting promotion coming up for the first anniversary so watch this space xx